News articles from various media sources report on the harm done by Cargill.
Ancestral Outcry: The Battle to Save the Tapajós River from the Ferrogrão Mega-Railway
A U.S. Farming Giant Gets a Message 11 Stories Tall
A Brazilian artist uses ash and mud for a massive Sao Paulo mural lamenting climate disasters
Giant mural in Sao Paulo uses ash from wildfires to highlight deforestation
‘Parem a destruição’: Mundano inaugura mural gigante no Centro de SP feito com cinzas de queimadas e lamas de enchente
Banking on Biodiversity Collapse: Tracking the Banks and Investors Driving Tropical Forest Destrucution 2024
Legal pressures mount for Cargill over River Wye pollution
With operations ranging from farming to processing, giant corporation Cargill is linked to deforestation, slave labour and other human and environmental rights violations
Symbolic Tribunal in Pará: New Accusation by Amazon Peoples against Cargill
Cargill Announces Commitment to Eliminate Deforestation and Land Conversion in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay by 2025
In Brazil’s Amazon, Cargill grain ports meet local resistance
Cargill-MacMillan Family Refuses to Meet With Visiting Indigenous Leader
‘Our world hangs by a thread’: Indigenous activist asks US agri giant to stop destroying Amazon rainforest
Cargill faces Brazil criminal probe over Amazon port project
Cargill Wants to Expand Its Destruction in the Amazon
Cargill convicted for neglecting slave and child labour at cacao farms
The Cargill-MacMillan Family Is Winning the Lottery but Losing the Planet ‘names and shames’ Cargill and its heirs to keep deforestation promises
Agribusiness giant Cargill not doing enough to fight deforestation, protect human rights, group says
Grain trader Cargill faces legal challenge in US over Brazilian soya supply chain
Soaring food prices push more Cargill family members on to world’s richest 500 list
From Environmental Leader to ‘Worst Company in the World’
Cargill says goal for ending forest destruction in Brazil will be missed
Palm oil firms ditch ‘no deforestation’ pact in Indonesia
The secretive Cargill family has 14 billionaires thanks to an agricultural empire — more than any other clan on earth