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Reports by

Promises to Keep

A Call on the Cargill-MacMillan Family to Ensure that Cargill Keeps its Commitment to End Deforestation and Land-Conversion in South America.

Bad Apples

Case Studies of Land Clearance in Brazil from Companies Linked to Cargill’s Supply Chain

A Grain of Truth

As plea to the Cargill-MacMillan family to show leadership by eliminating human rights abuses and the destruction of nature from Cargill’s supply chain.

Reports, Analysis & Investigations by Others

Ferrogrão railway line with terminal in Matupá will split Xingu lands in half

The EF-170 railway, Ferrogrão, is one of the infrastructure projects that aims to consolidate routes for the outflow of agricultural commodities through Brazil’s Arco Norte ports

Ferrogrão railway line will affect six indigenous lands, 17 conservation units and three isolated tribes

Exclusive survey reveals a much greater impact than estimated by agribusinesses. Ministry of Indigenous Peoples shows concern and demands consultation, but Lula’s minister of transport is optimistic about project launched by Bolsonaro

Cargill faces Brazil criminal probe over Amazon port project

Brazilian federal prosecutors are investigating transactions involving grains trader Cargill and a Brazilian partner after they found “irregularities” in the acquisition of disputed land where the U.S. company plans to build a massive river port in the Amazon rainforest.

Empty promises: Cargill, soy, banks and the destruction of Bolivia’s Chiquitano forest

A new Global Witness investigation reveals that US food giant Cargill has directly purchased soy from farms in Bolivia where more than 20,000 hectares of forest have been razed since 2017.

Brazil Condemns Cargill for Labor Issues in Cocoa Supply Chain

A Brazilian court condemned Cargill Inc. for buying cocoa from producers that exploit workers under slave-like conditions and use child labor, according to the nation’s Labor Prosecutors’ office.

Cases linked to soy, cotton, and palm oil on Cargill’s operations

This analysis by AidEnvironment calculates Cargill’s exposure risk to recent deforestation in Indonesia, linked to palm oil, and Brazil, linked to soy and cotton operations

Deforestation Exposure: Cases linked to soy, cotton, and palm oil on Cargill’s operations

This analysis by AidEnvironment calculates Cargill’s exposure risk to recent deforestation in Indonesia, linked to palm oil, and Brazil, linked to soy and cotton operations

Analysis by Chain Reaction Research

This analysis by AidEnvironment focuses on Cargill’s operations from 2014, when Cargill expanded its zero-deforestation commitment to all commodities.

Analysis by Repórter Brasil

Repórter Brasil has been investigating Cargill’s activities in Brazil since 2003. This analysis is a summary of the history of grievances reported about Cargill in Brazil, with an emphasis on recent years.

Sodrugestvo: Soy Trader Linked to Brazilian Deforestation, Russian Finances

“A sample of 73 soybean supplying farms to Aliança Agrícola do Cerrado shows 830 ha of native vegetation clearing between 2018-2022 in Brazil’s Amazon and Cerrado biomes. Aliança Agrícola do Cerrado supplies soybeans from the Amazon and Cerrado biomes to ADM, Bunge, Cargill, and Cofco”

Cargill, Amaggi and Cofco buy family soybeans with embargoed and set on fire in Mato Grosso

Repórter Brasil showed that Cargill and other agricultural traders bought soy from a family of farmers with interdicted and burned areas in Mato Grosso. The soybean production took place in areas of adjoining farms, where Brazilian environmental agencies found illegal deforestation. The family supplying the company is being investigated by the Federal Prosecution Service and the Mato Grosso State Prosecution Service and has also been fined by the State Environment Secretariat.

Collection of analyses by other organizations

Human rights abuses and the destruction of nature documented by various other organizations since 2014

The Trail of Destruction Caused by Soy in Brazil’s Cerrado

Issue #18 of Monitor shows how deforestation illegal and land conflicts caused by the expansion of soybeans in the Cerrado contaminate the production chain of large multinational trading companies
responsible for global grain trade.

Global commodity traders are fuelling land conflicts in Brazil’s Cerrado

In November 2021, Global Witness’ research showed that Cargill operated businesses with soy producers involved in conflicts with small farmers in Correntina, western Bahia. This includes cases of intimidation, destruction of community property and death threats to members of traditional communities.

The Chain: Agropalma’s Owners Look to Sell While Company’s ESG Violations Rise

Several financial actors are assessing Agropalma since the owners signalized their interest in selling it. “Any parties interested in purchasing Agropalma will have to contend with allegations of ties to land grabbing, labor and human rights abuses, and deforestation at a time the company is seeking to increase its palm oil production 50 percent through 2025”. Cargill is one of the buyers of Agropalma.

The “green” Fuel That Drives Deforestation

A report by Repórter Brasil showed that Cargill imported, through its Belgian arm in October 2021, almost 5 million litres of biodiesel made with beef tallow linked to deforestation, produced by the Brazilian company BSBios.

The Chain: Top Ten Deforesters Clear 8,100 Hectares on Oil Palm Concessions During 1H 2022, a Significant Increase Versus 2021

Cargill has trading links to one of the top 10 largest deforesters in Indonesia in 2022. “Sawit Rokan Semesta cleared 600 ha of forest during the first half of 2022”

The Chain: Cargill and Bunge’s Links to Contested Farm in Brazil, Human Rights Violations Contradict Upcoming EU Regulations

“EarthSight and De Olho nos Ruralistas, two non-profit organizations in the UK and Brazil, recently found that Cargill and Bunge are sourcing soy from Brasília do Sul, a 9,785-hectare soy farm in Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) that is currently being disputed.”

The Chain: Jhonlin Group’s Refining Company Goes Public to Raise Capital

“Around 11,900 ha were cleared within the group’s oil palm concessions between 2018 and 2020.” Jhonlin Group is part of Cargill’s supplier list.

Soy produced by company involved in a land conflict in Matopiba supplies the industry’s multinationals

A November 2022 investigation into the case by Repórter Brasil revealed new connections between trading companies operating in the European market and land conflicts in the region, including Cargill itself. The local community reports that coexistence with the agribusinesses includes constant threats made by private security teams hired by the companies to guard the area. The soybean produced by Agrícola Xingu, a company linked to the conflict in the region, was later acquired by ALZ Grãos, which has Cargill among its clients. Other studies and research have also connected Cerrado deforesters to Cargill’s supply chain.

The Chain: Brasil Agro to Convert Over 10,000 Hectares of Cerrado Forest

A new development project in Bonito de Minas might put at risk 10,000 hectares of Cerrado vegetation. “On top of this, European financiers may face reputation risk. In the company’s financial publication for the quarter ending December 2021, Rabobank, Cargill, and Santander were on a list of mainly Brazilian banks/affiliates/companies providing financial services to Brasil Agro.”

The Chain: Agropalma Faces Possible Legal, Reputational Risks from Health and Safety Violations, Conflict With Local Communities

“The Labor Court of Tucuruí (also located in Pará) ordered the company to pay just under 1 million reals (195,000 USD) for irregularities discovered during inspections by government officials in the Public Ministry of Labor PA/AP (MPT).” / “Agropalma is exporting 15 percent of its production, mainly to Europe”. Cargill is one of Agropalma’s buyers.

Agribusiness giant again linked to Amazon deforestation

A study by Unearthed and The Bureau of Investigative Journalism finds Cargill to be sourcing soya from cleared Amazon land in Mato Grosso state, Brazil, Fazenda Conquista.  The farm has been linked to an estimated 3 sq miles of destruction in the amazon since 2013, with multiple fires recorded in 2020. Conquista’s trading with Cargill has included supplying soya and the farm has signed a deal to deliver 5,700 tons of corn to the company this year.

Cargill buys soybeans from a farm that cleared the Amazon and violates the sector’s pact

An investigation by Repórter Brasil showed that Cargill bought soy and corn from a farm in São José do Xingu (MT), also in the Amazon biome, which destroyed approximately 800 hectares of forest between 2013 and 2015. The negotiations between Cargill and the farm occurred despite soybean planting in areas of recent deforestation having been confirmed by the Soy Working Group (GTS), the entity responsible for monitoring the Amazon Soy Moratorium.

‘Soybean pirate’ grown in the Amazon accelerates deforestation and has the participation of agricultural giants

A joint investigation by Repórter Brasil, The Bureau of Investigative Journalism and Greenpeace showed a scheme to launder grains planted illegally in the north of Mato Grosso, allowing soybeans from deforested areas to enter international supply chains that claim to be deforestation-free. In this case, soybeans produced by a farmer in recently deforested areas entered the chain of Aliança, a company that supplies Cargill and other trading companies.

Palm Oil Production in Brazilian Amazon Threatens NDPE Commitments

Cargill is a relevant buyer from BBF. “Biopalma’s former owner, Brazilian mining company Vale, is linked to significant negative environmental and social impacts. Leading palm oil producer Biopalma was founded in 2007.”

Seeds of Conflict: How global commodity traders contribute to human rights abuses in Brazil’s soy sector

In November 2021, Global Witness’ research showed that Cargill operated businesses with soy producers involved in conflicts with small farmers in Correntina, western Bahia. This includes cases of intimidation, destruction of community property and death threats to members of traditional communities.

The Chain: Astra International’s Mine Expansion Threatens Forest and Astra Agro Lestari’s NDPE Supply Chain Access

Deforestation linked to mining project (20 hectares) found in a subsidiary of Astra Agro Lestari, a palm oil supplier to Cargill.

The Chain: Embedded Soy in UK Consumer Brands ‘Contaminated’ by Cargill’s Forest Approach, Says Report

A report from TBIJ, Greenpeace Unearthed, ITV News, and the Daily Mirror. Cargill is buying soy from Group Scheffer, which “has been repeatedly linked to incidents of environmental damage on farms, including the clearing of swaths of Cerrado vegetation and the use of fire for land clearing.” / ” Top creditors in its soy financing are BNP Paribas, Itaú Unibanco, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, and Deutsche Bank. Top investors in bonds are Prudential Financial (US), Metlife, AIG, Nationwide Mutual Insurance, and Wellington Management. Several of them adopted zero-deforestation policies and have ample reasons to engage with Cargill. Of identified and adjusted debt products, 27 percent came from financial institutions in the European Union (EU). EU institutions are increasingly exposed to sustainable finance regulations (like the SFDR), and they will also have to confront upcoming EU regulation on supply chain due diligence (2022).”

Deforestation on Oil Palm Concessions Continued to Decline in First Half of 2021

“10 palm oil companies were responsible for approximately 5,000 hectares (ha) of forest clearing during the first six months of 2021 in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea.” / “Around 270 ha of clearing was detected within [Sumber Tani Agung Resources] concessions of PT Tantahan Panduhup and PT Flora Nusa Perdana, both in Central Kalimantan.” Cargill’s supplier list includes Sumber Tani Agun g Resources.

The Chain: Active Fires Detected in SLC Agrícola’s Fazenda Perdizes Property in the Amazon

“In March 2021, SLC Agrícola stated that it will no longer convert new areas in all of its properties after the current year’s harvest season. SLC Agrícola’s prior commitment to halt Cerrado deforestation in September 2020 similarly led to continued clearing despite its zero-deforestation pledge.” Cargill is one of the largest buyers of SLC Agrícola. “In July 2020, Cargill publicly stated that “deliberate setting of fires in the Amazon is unacceptable.””

The Chain: Active Fires Detected in SLC Agrícola’s Fazenda Perdize Property in the Amazon

Dutch organisation AidEnvironment showed that Palmeira Farm, owned by the SLC Agrícola group, burned 4,700 hectares of Cerrado. The deforestation occurred legally, after environmental permits were issued. Reports produced by Chain Reaction Research point to a large loss of forest cover occurring in areas owned by SLC Agrícola between 2015 and 2020, close to 210 km².23/24 SLC Agrícola is one of Brazil’s largest producers of soy, corn, and cotton, and Cargill is one of their main traders of their produce.

The Chain: New Report Calls on Buyers of Forest-Risk Commodities to Strengthen NDPE Policies

“[The CRR report] highlights 133,000 hectares (ha) of deforestation since 2016 committed by 10 companies in the industrial tree sectors of Indonesia and Malaysia.” Djarum is one of the companies in the report and it is a Cargill’s supplier of palm oil.

The Chain: Selangor State Agricultural Development Corporation Peat Clearing Risks Access to FMCG and Trader/Refiner Supply Chains

“The Indonesian plantation developer Djarum is the focus of a Forest Stewardship Council complaint over deforestation on its PT Fajar Surya Swadaya (FSS) and PT Silva Rimba Lestari (SRL) timber concessions. Over 32,000 ha of forests in East Kalimantan were cleared between 2013 and 2017. The complaint has not yet been resolved, and there are no known recovery projects compensating for the deforestation.” Djarum is a Cargill’s palm oil supplier.

Key Cerrado Deforesters in 2020 Linked to the Clearing of More Than 110,000 Hectares

Jhonlin Group is among the top 10 deforesters in Indonesia in 2020 and still is in Cargill’s supplier list.”SLC Agrícola ’s main customers are Cargill Agrícola S.A. (27.6 percent of revenues) and Bunge Alimentos S.A. (17.9 percent), according to its 3Q 2020 financial statements. As previously reported by CRR, the clearing of Cerrado vegetation on SLC Agrícola ’s farms appears to be in line with Brazil’s Forest Code but in violation of the zero-deforestation commitments of its customers and a large portion of downstream soy-consuming industries.”

The Chain: Deforestation Driven by Oil Palm Falls to a Four-Year Low

“In 2021, PT Permata Sawit Mandiri cleared around 450 ha of forest, a reduction from the 2,000 ha detected in 2020.” Permata Sawit Mandiri is a palm oil supplier to Cargill.

The Chain: Repeat Offenders Continue to Clear Forests for Oil Palm in Southeast Asia

Marita Makmur Jaya, owned by the Peputra Group, cleared 2,100 ha of peat and peat forest in 2019. Peputra Group is Cargill’s supplier.

The Chain: Malaysia’s Sime Darby Plantation Banned From U.S. Markets Over Alleged Forced Labor Issues

Sime Darby is banned from any trading links to the US market over alleged forced labor issues. The company is in Cargill’s supplier list.

The Chain: French Retailers Strengthen Supplier Contracts to Mitigate Deforestation Risk in the Cerrado

As a development from the Cerrado manifesto, “Carrefour, Casino, Auchan, Lidl, Leclerc, Metro, Mousquetaires (owner of Intermarché), and Système U signed the agreement to prohibit soy sourced from recently deforested regions of the Brazilian Cerrado.” / “Large soy traders such as Cargill, Bunge, COFCO, and Louis Dreyfus [signatures] are notably missing [in the Cerrado Manifesto].”

The Chain: Continued Deforestation and Ownership Confusion in Fangiono Family-linked Groups

Report by Forest Peoples Programme. ” around 100 ha of forest and peat have been cleared on three First Resources concessions this year [2020]. ” / “FAP and CAA’s subsidiaries have also recorded several social conflicts, and FAP has contributed to over 59,000 ha of forest loss since 2008.” / “Between January and October 2020, CAA Group cleared approximately 3,200 ha of forest and peat on three of its concessions.” First Resources shares ownership with FAP and CCA and is in Cargill’s supplier list.

Soya linked to fires and deforestation in Brazil feeds chicken sold on the British high street

Investigation in collaboration with the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, the Guardian, and ITV News shows soya linked to fires and deforestation in Brazil feeds chicken sold on the British high street

The Chain: Wildfires Rage on SLC Agricola farm

FGV is in Cargill’s list of suppliers. US Government issued “a Withhold Release Order (WRO) on palm oil products produced by Malaysian Felda Global Ventures (FGV) over concerns of alleged forced labor issues.”

The Chain: FGV Banned from Selling Products to the United States Due to Ongoing Labor Issues, Increasing Reputation Risk

FGV is in Cargill’s list of suppliers. US Government issued “a Withhold Release Order (WRO) on palm oil products produced by Malaysian Felda Global Ventures (FGV) over concerns of alleged forced labor issues.”

The Chain: Sarawak State Government to Purchase TH Plantations’ Sarawak Concessions, but NDPE Supply Chain Not Guaranteed

Sarawak state government is likely a buyer of TH Plantations concession. “During 2012-15, TH Plantation’s landbank expanded, in line with its target of a 300,000 ha landbank by 2020. This expansion was linked to several cases of deforestation, including almost 2,500 ha of forest cleared in Pahang from 2016-18.” TH Plantations is Cargill’s supplier of palm oil.

Update: United Malacca’s 60,000-Hectare Industrial Tree Plantation Development Risks Market Access, Raises Questions About Scope of NDPE Policy Implementation

“UMB has oil palm plantations in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah (Malaysia), and Central Kalimantan (Indonesia). Its landbank totals just under 45,000 ha.” The new UMB development project remains unclear, while 55,000 ha of the concession area is covered by native forest. UMB is Cargill’s palm oil supplier.

The Chain: Record breaking year for Brazil soy exports drives deforestation and land insecurity in the Cerrado Biome

“For the major soy traders operating in Formosa do Rio Preto, such as Bunge, ALZ Grãos, and Cargill, continued links to deforestation, human rights abuses, and illegal activity heighten risks related to stranded assets, market access, financing, and reputation.”

The Chain: Cargill Subsidiary Cut Off From Grieg Seafood’s Green Bond Proceeds Over Deforestation

“Norwegian Grieg Seafood will not allow any funds from its Green Bond to be used to purchase feed supply from Cargill Aqua Nutrition, which is wholly owned by Cargill Inc.” / Grieg Seafood is opening a dialogue with Cargill about its operations in Brazil, hoping to push the company to reduce its deforestation risks. The dialogue is occurring although Grieg Seafood does not source from Cargill’s operations in Brazil. Grieg Seafood, in taking a corporate ownership perspective rather than one that is focused on its direct value chain, is looking to use its market power to sway companies to take action to curb deforestation.” / “Nestlé stopped sourcing all of its purchases of Brazilian soy from Cargill in 2019 amid the trader not being able to trace soy from its suppliers and changes in policy regarding deforestation in Brazil.”

The Chain: Pressure Grows on Traders, Investors to Take Action on Cerrado Deforestation at SLC Agrícola Farms

Brazilian soy producer SLC Agrícola continues to move forward with clearing land for cultivation despite increased attention on its operations in the Cerrado.. Cargill is one of the main buyers of soy from SLC Agrícola. “Late last year, Greenpeace released a report that said Bunge and Cargill – the two companies most exposed to fires in their supply chains in 2019 – are “still fuelling destruction of Brazil’s Cerrado”

The Chain: Brasil Agro’s String of New Farmland Acquisitions Signals Ongoing Land Speculation

“Brasil Agro, a publicly-traded farmland investor, has expanded its farmland holdings by 33,500 hectares (ha) in recent months. Native vegetation covers 11,915 ha of this area, and it may be at imminent risk of being cleared if Brasil Agro moves ahead with its development plans.” / “ADM ceased its purchases from Brasil Agro in 2016, though it is unclear whether deforestation was the reason. Bunge, Cargill, and Amaggi, all buyers of soy from Brasil Agro, have zero-deforestation policies.”

Deforestation for Agricultural Commodities a Driver of Fires in Brazil, Indonesia in 2019

In Brazil, companies such as JBS, Cargill and Bunge are exposed to a risk of fires in their supply chains. A large number of fires happened in areas close to these companies’ facilities.

The Chain: SLC Agricola Moves Forward with Clearing 5,200 Hectares of Native Vegetation

“SLC Agricola, the largest listed soybean producer in Brazil, cleared a total of 5,200 hectares (ha) of native vegetation in the first quarter of 2020.” Cargill is one of the largest buyers of soy from SLC Agrícola. / ” In 2019, Cargill confirmed it sourced from Fazenda Parneiro and that the company would review the case further. It remains unclear whether Cargill has taken any further action in response to the clearing in 2019 or 2020. The company did not respond to CRR for a request for comment.”

Bunge and Cargill buy soybeans contaminated by violence and deforestation’ from Agronegócio Estrondo,

Greenpeace research showed that Cargill buys grain from a large farm in Bahia involved in deforestation and intimidation of traditional communities, in a place where two local leaders had been shot that year. The company that owns the farm is suspected of buying favourable rulings from judges in the region.

JJF Holding Land-Grabbing Case Intensifies Soy Traders’ Exposure to Cerrado Deforestation

“Bunge, ALZ Grãos and Cargill have warehouses operating inside the JJF Holdings’ area”. JJF is one of the largest land grabbing cases in Brazil.

The Chain: China’s Palm Oil Imports Surge Amid Global Trade Shifts, Potentially Challenging Zero-Deforestation Commitments

Indonesia is the second supplier of palm oil to China, “If China now starts importing significant crude palm oil volumes, that could be a major factor in the leakage market.” Cargill is a key palm oil player in China.

Cargill’s New Policies Insufficient to Fully Mitigate Deforestation Risks in Brazil

“Cargill’s new policies may not mitigate all deforestation risks in its Brazilian supply chain. Cargill may be exposed to Cerrado deforestation risks beyond the 25 SCF priority municipalities. Financial incentives may not discourage legal deforestation. Non-compliance with the Soy Moratorium remains a risk in the Amazon biome.”

The Chain: SLC Agrícola Clears 1,355 Hectares of Cerrado Vegetation Despite Customers’ Zero-Deforestation Commitments

Clearance of 1,355 ha in SLC’s properties in 2 months (between March and May 2019). Cargill represents 30.1 percent of SLC Agrícola sales.

Brazilian State of Tocantins: A Hotspot for Cerrado Deforestation

“Soy sourced from Tocantins carries a high risk of being linked to legal and illegal deforestation. Case studies reveal that soy production in the municipalities Lagoa de Confusão and Campos Lindos could be linked to illegal deforestation, environmental fines, embargoed areas, land disputes, and slave labor. Glencore and Cargill are the main soy traders in these municipalities.” / “Cargill Agrícola is the largest exporter of soy in Campos Lindos. The company accounted for 95.7 percent of the total soy exports in the municipality in 2017, most of which went to China. The company operates three silos in adjacent municipality Balsas in Maranhão.”

The Chain: Bewani Oil Palm Plantation Divestment Increases Risks of Continued Deforestation in Palm Oil Supply Chains

“[Bewani Oil Palm Plantation – BOPPL] had been responsible for approximately 20,000 ha of forest clearance since 2010, including almost 3,000 ha in 2018.” Cargill has trading links to shadow companies linked to BOPPL

The Chain: NDPE Uptake Impacts List of Top 10 Deforesters in SE Asia

Ten growers in Malaysia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea were responsible for almost 35,000 hectares (ha) of deforestation in 2018, according to analysis by Chain Reaction Research (CRR).

The Chain: Brasil Agro Moves Forward with Deforestation at Chaparral

“Brasil Agro continues to clear land on its Chaparral farm in Correntina, a municipality in the Brazilian state of Bahia. In October and November, the company deforested a total of 1,194 hectares at Chaparral” / Brasil Agro’s activity in the Cerrado is legal, but it could still lead to business and financial risks. Its main buyers – Bunge, Cargill and Amaggi – all have zero-deforestation policies and have taken steps recently to strengthen them.”

Brasil Agro: 5,069 Hectares of Cerrado Forest at Imminent Risk

“Brasil Agro plans to clear 5,069 ha of remaining native vegetation on its Bahia farms by December 2018.” / “Brasil Agro’s three current clients for its soy and corn produce are Bunge, Cargill and Amaggi, all of which have zero-deforestation policies.”

SLC Agrícola: Planned Deforestation Could Contradict Buyers’ ESG Policies

“SLC Agrícola has requested environmental licenses for clearing 16,938 ha of land.” / “In 2017, SLC Agrícola’s main clients were Cargill Agrícola and Amaggi LD Commodities, which generated respectively 27.6 percent and 12.1 percent of SLC Agrícola’s net revenues (in total 39.7 percent).”

The Chain: Malaysian BLD Tops List of Major Deforesters in 2018

In 2017, the top 10 deforesters in Indonesia and Malaysia were responsible for 40,000 hectares of clearance. BDL cleared 1,702 ha of peat and 1,307 ha of forests in Malaysia and it appears in Cargill’s supply chain.

Behind the Wrapper

Cargill joins other chocolate and cocoa companies and the governments of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana in the Cocoa and Forests Initiative, committing themselves to immediately end sourcing from national parks and protected areas, to restore forests, and to shift to more responsible practices.  But a report by Mighty Earth shows that a year later, deforestation had increased.

SLC Agrícola: Cerrado Deforestation Poses Risks to Revenue and Farmland Assets

From 2011 to 2017, SLC Agrícola cleared a total of 39,887 ha of land of its original vegetation. For over 30,000 ha, this vegetation is classified as Cerrado forest by Brazil’s Ministry of Environment. These areas have also been recognized for their high biodiversity value by the Round Table on Responsible Soy (RTRS). SLC indicates that another 42,000 ha is still to be developed. SLC farms are located in areas where illegal land grabbing (‘grilagem’) is common, and SLC Agrícola’s business partners have faced legal charges. SLC’s client base consists of the large international soy traders, including Cargill.

GAMA Plantation Faces Legal Risks from Peat Fires

Gama cleared 21,500 hectares of forest and peatland between 2015 and 2018. Cargill “had or has” trading links with the group.

Philanthropist in São Paulo is accused of deaths and theft of land in the Northeast

A report by Repórter Brasil showed that a Cargill supplier with farms in Piauí and Maranhão is accused of illegally appropriating land, as well as being pointed out by small farmers to have threatened and ordered the killing of those who opposed him in the process.

Peasants of Serra do Centro

A number of studies have shown Cargill’s connection not only with deforestation, but also with the rise of land conflicts in the biome, where soy plantations have occupied the lands of peasant communities and Indigenous Peoples with the monoculture.

The Chain: Bunge, Cargill, Others Fined for Brazilian Deforestation in Cerrado; Investors Push Bunge to Ban Deforestation-Linked Suppliers

“Ibama and federal prosecutors have fined Bunge, Cargill, ABC Indústria e Comércio SA, JJ Samar Agronegócios Eireli, and Uniggel Proteção de Plantas collectively USD 6.7 million for deforestation-related activities and land clearing in the Matopiba region – comprising Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí and Bahia states – in Brazil’s Cerrado. The fines arose because the five traders allegedly purchased 3,000 metric tons of soy and other products from areas illegally deforested and protected under Brazilian law. Ibama stated that “during the investigation it was verified that the anticipated purchase of grains financed the illegal activity.””

Cargill: Zero-Deforestation Approach Leaves Room for Land Clearing in Brazil’s Maranhão

Cargill’s approach to zero-deforestation supply chains still leaves room for ongoing land clearing by its suppliers in Maranhão. This could result in a number of business risks, including reputation risks and market access risks.

The Chain: Cargill May Still Face Reputation, Business Risks Despite Updated Zero-Deforestation Policy for Soy

Lack of clarity on Cargill’s commitments to include soy in its deforestation-free strategy

Brasil Agro – Cerrado Deforestation Could Reduce Farmland Value, Put Soy Revenue at Risk

“In 2016 three large companies formed 75 percent of its client base. These companies were Brenco, Cargill and Bunge.” / “Between 2012-2017, Brasil Agro has deforested 21,690 hectare (ha) of Cerrado

Chocolate’s Dark Secret

In report by Mighty Earth, Cargill is found to help drive the destruction of Ghana and Cote D’Ivoire’s forests— buying cocoa grown through the illegal clearing of protected forests and national parks as a standard practice. In Côte d’Ivoire, where Cargill is the largest trader, an estimated 30% of the cocoa came from inside national parks and other protected areas.⁠

Still At It: Major Soy Suppliers Caught in Continued Deforestation Linked to Fast Food, Supermarkets

Months after the deforestation was exposed, investigators re-visited the sites and found Cargill still driving deforestation. Between Cargill and Bunge, they had cleared the equivalent of 10,000 football fields for soy.⁠

Indonesian Palm Oil’s Stranded Assets – 10 Million Football Fields of Undevelopable Land

“Eagle High Plantations has an area of 33,694 ha under concession. After a report was published in 2015 that showed the clearing of 500 to 1,000 ha of HCS forest on PT Varia Mitra Andalan’s 20,318 ha concession, Eagle High Plantations’ main buyers Golden Agri-Resources and Cargill intervened. In response, Eagle High Plantations stopped land development on this concession resulting in 18,926 ha as stranded land.”

2016 Sustainability Benchmark: Indonesian Palm Oil Growers

“In June 2015, the Indonesian NGO Greenomics released a report documenting destruction of forests in South Sorong district, West Papua. Greenomics found that BWPT’s subsidiary PT Varia Mitra Andalan cleared High Carbon Stock (HCS) forests through March 2015. BWPT’s buyers GAR and Cargill, who have NDPE policies, said they would investigate the matter and engage with the company. Satellite imagery shows that, after clearing 1,000 ha of forests, the clearing stopped mid-2015.”

The Ultimate Mystery Meat: Exposing the Secrets Behind Burger King and Global Meat Production

In report by Mighty Earth, Cargill found to be one of the two largest customers of industrial-scale deforestation in Bolivia.⁠

The Chain: Buyers paying more for CSPO and IPOP disbandedrom palm oil deforestation, APP’s historic commitment, and more

Cargill supports the dissolution of Indonesian Palm Oil Pledge, sustainability commitment signed by Indonesia’s biggest palm oil refiners in 2014.

Cargill’s Supply Chain linked to Deforestation in Papua

In a Report by Greenomics Indonesia, Cargill is found to be purchasing palm oil linked to deforestation in Papua New Guinea

The Chain: Norway divests from palm oil deforestation, APP’s historic commitment, and more

Labor conditions in Malaysia palm oil plantation by Felda, “one of the world’s largest producers of crude palm oil, whose customers include major agribusinesses such as Cargill, as well as consumer brands like Nestlé and Proctor & Gamble.” / ” Cargill and its customers said they weren’t aware of alleged labor abuses on palm-oil plantations and would investigate.” Civil society groups are calling for a full RSPO investigation of the practices detailed in the story. The RSPO has since indicated that it is working to gather more information.

Fires in Indonesia Produce Worst Haze Since Last Summer

Cargill could be linked to fires in palm oil production areas in Indonesia.

The Chain: Amaggi’s New Green Bond Prompts Questions on Deforestation Commitment

“Brazilian soy suppliers to the salmon industry, CJ Selecta, Caramuru, and Imcopa, announced commitments to a cut-off date of August 2020 to keep deforestation from entering their supply chains, putting pressure on the main traders in Brazil – Amaggi, LDC, ADM, Bunge, Cargill, Viterra, and COFCO.”

Cargill in the Media

Ancestral Outcry: The Battle to Save the Tapajós River from the Ferrogrão Mega-Railway

A U.S. Farming Giant Gets a Message 11 Stories Tall

A Brazilian artist uses ash and mud for a massive Sao Paulo mural lamenting climate disasters