Beka’s visit to the company’s Minneapolis, Minnesota headquarters marks the first time an Indigenous leader from Brazil is taking Cargill to task on their home turf for its deforestation and human rights abuses it has pledged to end but nevertheless continue.
The Munduruku people of the Tapajós River basin are already routinely confronted with the destructive activities of Brazil’s soy trade. And despite Cargill’s numerous commitments to eliminate deforestation and human rights abuses from their supply chain, they are in the process of dramatically increasing infrastructure in high-risk areas of South America, including the territory of the Munduruku.
After traveling 4,000 miles to the family offices in Wayzata, MN, she was intercepted in the parking lot by security guards and denied access. Previously, the family refused to respond to requests to meet.
Members of the Mensah family—Doris, Cynthia, George, and Rebecca Mensah (not their real names)—work on a cocoa farm in Ghana that directly sources to Cargill. They regularly perform hazardous tasks, including handling pesticides, herbicides, and working with machetes. Together as a family, the four of them earned a total of $140 last year from selling cocoa to Cargill.
All of the work they consistently perform on the plantation are clear examples of the Worst Forms of Child Labor in clear violation of the International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention No. 182.
Rita, Grace, and Daniel Nyarko (not their real names) take their cocoa beans to a collection site adjacent to the farm where they all work—this collection site is owned and operated by Cargill. Between the two siblings and their mother, the family made a total of $260 dollars last year from selling cocoa to Cargill.
On November 27, 2023, Cargill announced a commitment to eliminate deforestation and land conversion in Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay by 2025.This commitment by Cargill is potentially a huge and long-awaited step forward for the planet and the Indigenous communities who depend on these ecosystems. Unfortunately, given Cargill’s long track record of breaking previous commitments – it is hard not to be skeptical.